Carpenter Bees

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Similar in appearance to the bumblebee but much larger in size and darker in color, the carpenter bee can be an extremely intimidating presence. This is especially true for the average homeowner. The reason for this is because they burrow holes in wooden structures. While they do not eat this wood, the small holes they bore can eventually lead to untold amounts of structural damage over time. And these flying nuisances will work and work in the same areas until deterred. A problem left undeterred will be a major problem. Although these flying pests only show up at the start of spring and stay until the end of summer, they will always return to the same spots, unless something is done.

All this being said, these bees are far pickier than most would imagine. They don’t just go for any type of wood. They attack wood structures with a surface that is bare. Ideally, the best wood for these flying pests would be untreated softwood. Luckily, you can use this information to prevent these flying pests.

Protecting The Wood

Any exposed wood in or around the home must be sealed and painted. Bees do not like the taste of paint. Therefore, multiple coats of paint and sealant would create a viable barrier that would deter these flying pests. Not everyone is for paint, and this is completely understandable. There are some wooden structures that look better unpainted in specific areas. This is where polyurethane and other similar sealants come in handy.

Just remember, if you do decide to go with stain, it is possible these pests could chew through it. There have been many cases where carpenter bees have chewed their way through stained wood just to get to the raw wood underneath. If this is something you are worried about, there is always the option of an additional clear sealant. This creates a clear barrier that won’t change the appearance of the wood while also offering a protective barrier. When painting, be sure to address all possible entry points. Don’t just focus on the surfaces. Make sure you get the edges, joints, as well as all less visible areas.

Covering The Wood

If you are painting or sealant a wooden structure that has previously been infested, you’ll need to protect it after the first coat. If you are painting and sealing for the first time as a means of prevention, you can’t skip this step. However, if the wood structure has already been infected and marked, you’ll need to do more than just throwing on paint and sealant. You’ll have to cover it while the paint and sealant dries. Luckily, there are some simple options for this. Aluminum sheathing, vinyl siding, or simple plastic will be enough to deter carpenter bees while the surface dry.

Avoid Over-The-Counter Solutions

While there is currently an attractive selection of over-the-counter carpenter bee deterrents and pesticides, these are things we cannot recommend. You might have some minor success with these products in the beginning, but as a professional pest management firm, we’ll be the first to tell you these products just aren’t made the same. This is because they don’t contain the same ingredients. The ingredients that are in our professional products are only available to license and certified EPA specialists. Anyone utilizing such chemicals without a problem license is doing so illegally.

Therefore, going the extra route to hire a professional exterminator to evaluate the current infestation along with the best courses of action is always recommended above all else. We are more than happy and willing to any property owner with these very things. All you must do is pick up the phone and give us a call. You can even stop by our local office when in the area. Whatever the situation, don’t wait too late!

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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